Wednesday, February 15, 2006


A friend of mine sent me that email - you know the one, "If you were a little girl in the 70s you..." Well, some of that stuff I swear was from the 80s, but a few of them struck nostalgic chords, why I've even got picture proof of three of them. The other three pictures were just so weirdly 70s I had to add them. This also begs the question of my little sister, was there ever a time we DIDN'T dress alike?



Anonymous said...

Speaking as the adorable little cocked-head sister, I will offer my memories of our matched-bookended childhood. It was indeed a tribute to our mother's sewing ability and her thrifty ways that afforded us identical outfits for many of the early years of our lifes - the matching Apple sunshirts, the matching Green Shortset (worn in Apple Valley), The amazing "Pink Beatles" Easter dresses shown in your pictures, the rainbow array of matching hawaiian mu mus we wore every year on vacation to Hawaii. This epidemic also spread to our best friends, if I remember correctly, Debbie and Tammy were also included in the "Everyone Dresses Alike" syndrome of the late 60's, early 70's. Even our dolls dressed alike. It was as though we were all in in perpetual "photo-Op" mode. Maybe that is why there are pictures of us dressed alike... hmmmmm this could be a pattern!

Thanks for the slide show, Margeaux, it makes me smile to remember those years of stingrays, the playhouse (without "Mr. Roof"), Gram, and the house in Goleta. If life could still be like that!

patresa said...

ha! i've seen that email.

but i can't help but notice there are no leg warmers in your photos. WHERE are your leg warmers? (or is that 80's?)

and thanks for your really nice comments on my blog a couple days ago. :)


LeighAnn said...

OMG! That soooo reminds me of my childhood!